PCS Gold Sponsor at the Asset Management for Occupational Pension Funds Conference

PCS is Sponsoring the Asset Management for Occupational Pension Funds: Trends and Challenges Conference that will take place on 14-15 December 2021.

The two-day conference is organized by the Institute of Finance and Financial Regulation and will be bring together institutional investors, asset managers, policy makers, supervisors, pension funds and pensioners, insurance companies and academics, to address timely topics of importance in the fields of investment strategies, performance, risk management, pensions’ design and regulation.

PCS, the software vendor that evaluates daily almost 80% of AuM of the local Fund Management companies, will present its modern solutions that enable government and private group pension plans, insurance companies, union trusts and financial institutions to provide the most effective and efficient pension administration service.

For more information about the meeting visit: https://iffr.gr/amopf/2021b/