PCS is Silver Sponsor at the 3rd Occupational Retirement Provision Forum
PCS, member of Epsilon Net Group of Companies, participates as a Silver Sponsor at the 3rd Occupational Retirement Provision Forum which will take place on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd February 2022 .
The forum is organized by the Hellenic Union of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (H.U.I.O.R.P.) and ethosEVENTS and intends to record all developments that took place in occupational insurance in the past year, in Greece and globally, and highlight the role of the 2nd Insurance Pillar as well as the importance of Occupational Insurance Funds for the domestic economic and insurance sector.
In addition, this year’s event titled “Occupational Insurance: on the path to growth, focused on institutional reforms” aims at emphasizing the challenges and growth opportunities presented in the sector of occupational insurance as well as the benefits and added value which the latter may offer to professionals, businesses and all aspects of a country’s economy and society, by ensuring the adequacy of retirement income which will enable senior citizens to maintain a decent standard of living.
PCS will present its modern solutions that enable government and private group pension plans, insurance companies, union trusts and financial institutions to provide the most effective and efficient pension administration service.
For more information about the forum visit: https://ethosevents.eu/en/event/2nd-occupational-retirement-provision-forum/