PCS Silver Sponsor at the 3rd Fund and Asset Management Conference

PCS S.A., a member of Epsilon Net Group of Companies , participates as a Silver Sponsor in the 3rd Fund and Asset Management that will be held on 22-23 June 2022.

The conference is organized by Hellenic Fund & Asset Management Association and ethosEVENTS and is the institutional conference of the market of professional management of collective and portfolio investments. It seeks to become a meeting and reference point for all institutional investors, further highlighting the important institutional role of Hellenic Fund & Asset Management Association and upgrading its presence as a thought leader in the market but also as an institutional advisor to government and business decisions and policies.

Its main purpose is to highlight the role and advantages of professional investment management, to highlight the necessity and the contribution of professional management in domestic financial and insurance sector, to underline the challenges and development opportunities for member companies of the Association, to present international practices in the fields of institutional operational framework and upgrade the role of the Association as a trustworthy market consultant.

At the conference, PCS will present its solutions that enable Financial Institutions, investment companies, fund management companies, Insurance Companies and Professional Funds to leverage innovative technology and provide efficient services.

For more information visit: https://ethosevents.eu/event/3o-synedrio-thesmikis-diacheirisis/